Contact your Councilmember Today - Keep Anacostia River Cleanup on Track
On Tuesday, May 30 the DC Council will be making recommendations and voting on the DC budget. Take action with APACC member Clean Water Action and urge the DC Council to restore $5 million for cleaning up toxics in the Anacostia River!
To clean up the Anacostia River and hold the federal government accountable for pollution damages requires the District to complete sediment remediation plans by 2018. Funds for sediment remediation have been planned into the DC budget every since these projects were initiated in 2011. Unfortunately $5 million that were dedicated towards cleaning up toxics in the Anacostia were removed from the mayor’s proposed FY18 capital improvement plan.
That’s why we need you to contact your councilmember TODAY.
When Mayor Bowser’s proposed budget for FY18 zeroed out funding for cleaning up toxic heavy metals and other contaminants from the Anacostia river bottom and adjacent parklands, DC residents took action. At the Committee on Transportation and Environment budget hearing on Friday, April 28, we testified alongside DC residents and submitted over 100 community letters and public comments. Chairwoman Cheh acknowledged the concerns voiced by the community when she stated, “Neither the river nor the people there are forgotten any more, at least by this Committee.” As a result of public input, Chairwoman Cheh and the committee proposed restoring $4 million in their budget report Wednesday, May 17. However, this still falls short of the $5 million previously planned.
When community members make their voices heard, officials notice. Your voice is important.
“ Neither the river nor the people there are forgotten any more, at least by this Committee.”
We have made great strides to restore years of damage to the Anacostia River. Let’s not reverse that momentum. Take action for clean water and healthy Anacostia River corridor!