Spring & Summer Respite on the Anacostia
With the COVID-19 pandemic impacting freedom of movement through social distancing protocols, many of us are itching to enjoy the mental and physical benefits of recreating in the Anacostia River and parks and throughout the Anacostia watershed. April was jam-packed with nature-based activities and outdoor community events celebrating our city’s natural features and the Anacostia Watershed and the communities the river supports.
Here are some photo highlights of clean-up events and outdoor activities facilitated by many APACC partner organizations and community groups!
Birding Event with Friends of Oxon Run and the Urban Adventure Squad
Earth Day Water Quality Monitoring with Anacostia River Keeper
Anacostia Watershed Society’s Chesapeake Conservation Corps intern Gabi Radoiu working on an enhanced design for mussel river bottom cages with our environmental educator Kendra Bierman. and Fiona Herbold, a high school junior at the National Cathedral School, and a mussel enthusiast.
April Oxon Run Park Clean-up with Ward 8 Water Watchers
The Movement for DC Statehood
In partnership with the Anacostia Coordinating Council, APACC and several other organizations sponsored a Virtual Freedom Concert to raise awareness about the importance of DC Statehood. If you missed this concert live, check out the video of the concert here.
Wanna learn more about how you can support the cause for DC Statehood? Check out the DCVote website and tell your friends, family members and colleagues in other states to reach out to their senators in support of the growing coalition for DC Statehood!
DC FY 2022 Budget Hearings: Advocate for safe, healthy, affordable, and clean neighborhoods, parks, and waterways in the Anacostia Watershed.
The city budget process can be complicated, but organizations like the DC Fiscal Policy Institute break down where the city’s budget comes from and how you can engage in fiscal oversight of the proposed 2022 budget.
You can find a list of the FY 2022 Budget Hearing dates by departments/committees here.
If you would like to leave a written, or voicemail testimony advocating for a change to the proposed FY 2022 Budget, or participate in a live hearing, use this document to find out details regarding how and where to leave your testimony.
The Steering Committee and Leadership of APACC encourage members and supporters to organize budget hearing testimony for these hearings related to the safety, health, and equity of the Anacostia Watershed and its neighborhoods:
Committee, Labor & Workforce Development
Committee on Transportation & the Environment
Committee on Judiciary & Public Safety
Committee on Recreation, Libraries, & Youth Affairs
For assistance on crafting budget hearing testimony, reach out to Danielle Burs with DC Appleseed and/or , share your draft testimony with the APACC community of partners on the APACC listserv.
DC Comprehensive Plan and Equitable Development in Ward 7 & 8
NOW IS THE TIME TO ACT – CONTACT YOUR COUNCILMEMBER – Use this link to send a quick email to your councilmember urging them to oppose the Mayor’s changes to the land use map and support the DC Grassroots Planning Coalition Housing Justice Priorities. You can also use this action guide created by the Committee of 100. Make a call to your Councilmember too! Find their phone numbers here.
The DC Grassroots Planning Coalition is on record in opposition to the current version of the Comprehensive Plan. Watch this short video to learn more about why the Comp Plan is Racist!
Our Housing Justice Priorities describe several changes that must be made to the Plan before passage to address racial equity, stop displacement, mandate housing that is affordable to the lowest income residents, and promote community-led equitable development.
THE MAYOR & OFFICE OF PLANNING WANT TO CHANGE LAND USE IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD-- Take a look at how the Mayor is amending the Future Land Use Map (FLUM) in your neighborhood. Nearly all of the proposed changes are increasing height and density - aka allowing developers to construct bigger and denser buildings without going through the ANC and without community input to negotiate community benefits. Eliminating community input for large development projects will only result in more of the same inequitable development that has caused the displacement of over 40,000 Black residents over the last 20 years.
Council approved the Comp Plan Update on May 18, 2021. Moving forward, the Comp Plan will be reviewed for approval by the National Capital Planning Commission, transmitted to Mayor Bowser for her approval, and then referred to the U.S. Congress for its review. Reach out to Mayor Bowser and your coucil members to let them know your thoughts on the changes to the comp plan and how it might negatively impact equity in our city.
Welcoming Cicadas to the District, and Upcoming Events!
If you hadn’t yet noticed, this is the year of Periodical Cicadas, making their comeback to the District and the DMV area! Check out this article by DCist on the Cicada comeback and what it means for our summer. Check out this website full of fun cicada activities for kids! and don’t miss out on upcoming events in the Anacostia Watershed posted on the APACC Calendar.
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